Monday, January 19, 2009

My Baby's 2!!!!!!

It's official! My baby turned 2 yesterday! It's hard to believe that 2 years have already gone by since we slid throught the streets of Tulsa during one of the worst ice storms in years to get to the hospital to meet the newest member of the Simpson clan. It seems just like yesterday that we found out the God was blessing us with a 3rd baby! I remember the fear of the unknown that I felt then. Kade was only 6 months old when we got the news that we were going to have yet another baby! I was fearful of the unknown. I wasn't quite sure how we would handle 3 kids under the age of 4! I knew it would be a challenge, but I also knew that God's plans far outweigh my own plans and that for whatever reason, he saw fit for us to have another baby at that exact time in our life.

As with the birth of my sons, the day Mckynlee was born is forever etched in my memory! We didn't know if we were about to become parents of 3 boys or if we would somehow end up having a little girl the 3rd time around. I had already made peace with myself that I was indeed having another boy. At that time, we were only surrounded by little boys. No one on either side of our family or within our close group of friends had girls. I wasn't even sure I would know what to do with a little girl. So, I think out of what was familiar to me, I made my mind up that it was impossible to have a girl and never let my thoughts wander too far that way. (Don't get me wrong...I would often catch myself thinking that maybe, just maybe this time it would be a girl, but those thoughts never lasted too long! I would talk myself out of the possibility of that ever happening and go back to "boy" thoughts.) Looking back, I think my gut was trying to tell me that I was having a girl, but out of fear of disappointment, I never listened. I would have been perfectly happy with another boy, but knowing that this was the last baby in our plans, I knew that this was our last shot to maybe have a girl and didn't want to always "wonder" what is would have been like to have a daughter.

Mike on the other hand, wanted a girl! He needed a "Daddy's Girl!" At the very moment that Mckynlee was making her entrance into the world, I'll never forget the look on Mike's face when he realized that the baby we were getting ready to meet had no parts! What?? No parts? We don't make babies w/out parts? Could it be? Before the Dr. announced "It's a girl!", I knew just by looking at Mike's face the the baby without a doubt was a girl. He looked like a little kid opening a present at Christmas! I can't really describe his face, but I have never seen him look so happy and suprised and in awe at the same time! There was a look of love on his face that I had never seen before! It was priceless! I couldn't believe it! A girl was entering the Simpson family! I have never felt so complete before. Before Jacob was born, I had told others that if I could pick the perfect family, I would have 2 boys first and then a little girl. Wow! I was living my dream! How often do you get to experience exactly what you had hoped for? God has truly blessed us w/perfect, healthy children!

Looking back, I wonder why in the world was I worried?? Why was I unsure about having another baby so soon after having baby #2? If I could have looked in to a crystal ball and seen the outcome and how well our family has meshed together, I would have never wasted a single second with worry. I couldn't have planned things better myself! (That's why God is in control, right?) I can't imagine life without Mckynlee! She has brought such joy to our family. Even though she lives up to her initials (MES, yes mess!!) she fills our hearts with love! I'm glad I have been blessed with the opportunity to experience being the mother of a daughter! I see now why so many people say that raising boys is easier! I must say I agree to this point! She is a challenge, but a fun challenge that I couldn't live without!


LauraD said...

Happy Birthday, Mckynlee!!

Definitely not a baby anymore, she looks like such a Big Girl!

Love the new look (and sound) of your blog.

Heidi said...

Wow, it seems like we were in college just a year or two ago...but you have 3 kids! I have no doubt that Mckynlee has her Daddy properly wrapped around her little finger! *As it should be :)

Amy said...

AWWW! I can't believe she is 2! What a sweet girl she is!