Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Jacob!!

Can you believe my baby boy is 6???? I can't believe 6 years have gone by already since we were blessed with Jacob! I don't know if it's just me, but 6 seems soooo much older than 5! I remember every little detail about April 26, 2003...my how that day changed our lives!
Here's my birthday boy!
When Jacob was born, my best friend brought this blue teddy bear to the hospital as a gift for Jacob. Mike and I noticed that the bear was the exact same size as Jacob was at 2 days old. Before leaving the hospital, I took a picture of Jacob lying beside the blue bear so we could remember just how small he was. Little did I know at the time that I had started a Simpson tradition with the blue bear! During Jacob's first year, I took a picture of him beside the blue bear each month to document his growth. It was amazing to see how much he grew and changed in just a month's time! After Jacob's 1st birthday, I have taken his picture with the blue bear every April 26th...Jacob's birthday! It's so fun to look back at all of our "blue bear" pictures & see how much he's changed! I'm so glad I took that picture on April 28th, 2003 in the hospital! I look forward to getting out the Birthday Bear each year for our annual picture. I've carried over the tradtion w/Kade & Mckynlee too!

We celebrated Jacob's big day with a party at Haikey Creek Park in BA. We had a perfect day for a party at the park! I was a little nervous all afternoon...a chance for rain had been in the forecast all week and clouds started rolling in a few hours before the party. However, with perfect timing, the sky cleared and we had beautiful weather! We had about 18 friends come to Jacob's party...mostly 5 & 6 year old boys! He had friends from school, the neighborhood, his baseball team, church, basketball team and friends he's known since birth attend! (See why I was so concerned about the weather? If it had rained all of these boys would have been in my house!!!) Jacob and his friends had a great time! The park was the perfect place for a party. After opening a few gifts and gobbling down a baseball cupcake, they spent the next couple of hours running and playing on the playground. Jacob told me it was "The Best Party Ever!" He's even planning his 7th b-day party for the park! Sounds great to me!

Jacob's buddies (minus a couple who didn't want their picture taken or who we couldn't snag from the playground long enough for a photo opp!...little brother & sister are missing too!)

On Sunday, Jacob's actual birthday, we took our usual line-up of birthday pics and then went to church. After lunch, Jacob opened some gifts from mom, dad & family and had some cake. I think it's safe to say Jacob had a fantastic birthday weekend! He even won his baseball game Saturday in which he assisted in the last out of the game to ensure the win!! What better way for him to start off his birthday celebration!

The Birthday Boy w/Bro & Sis

Birthday Pic w/Mom & Dad

Ready for some cake??

Jacob's choir class performed at the service Sunday...on his birthday! They sang "Shake, Shake, Shake Hallelujah!" (Very cute!!)

Jacob enjoying his birthday lunch at Ted's...our favorite Mexican restaurant!

1 comment:

LauraD said...

Wow! Look at all those BOYS!! Glad you had good weather for the party. You just never know when to expect April showers.